Monday, December 27, 2004

Two Down One to Go


Now to get my fingers typing, my thoughts from racing, and my mosquito bites to stop itching.

Let me see, according to Andy(rising white rap star) this whole blog thing for the most part seems to be just one big inquiry into the hypothetical, unanswerable question after question blindly shot and directed, the purpose unknown, the theraputic harvest plentiful. Now, lately i've been unmercifully pelted with friends, media, strangers, and bloggers all expressing some sort of philosphical bullshit about everything. Questioning questions, shaking the branch from it's tree and pushing me underneath-enough is enough. OK so I'm guilty too, i'v been known to read John Lockes 'The Logic of Undertsanding', the B-I-B-L-E, Dear Jane, etc...I won't deny it in fact I just bought the new Jane yesterday and plan on writing my very first letter to the editor insisting they give me a job asap, I have my reasons.

But Andy, after returning from his tour with M&M insanely famous with models as his ho's and bitches, has planned to jump on this band wagon, and rightly so me to blame. This despite his possible indifference with the mumbo jumbo of aimless hypothetics that seem to be part of the package deal.

As for all these other friends, media king pins, strangers at the grocery store, I suggest they get blogs too and put this appalling lack of intelligence dressed up as verbal philosophical mumblings were they belong- out here in no where land. A wise man has no one to prove himself too, may that go out to all the politically sauvy blogists and relationship advise/assumation givers. I quit giving free advise a long time ago, right about when I realized I knew nothing and everything has a million dimensions to it that can not be evaluted by anyone outside of 999,999 of those facets. So stop. And politics, ahhhhh politics, ahhhh world events, ahhhh New York Times, your an impossible thing, an uncontrollable thing, a hopeless changing/ evolving/ non pleasing/volitale machine. What type of individual didn't get this after 101 US Government still baffles me. (I vote, I care, I rant too)

The most charming quality beyond a caring&giving heart is humility in not knowing and confidence in the possibabilities. Understanding, better put. Opinions are gold when your happy to share them and yet still keep them your own. I guess i'm just worn out with know-it-alls and more so with hidden agendas.

It's 4am and i'm at Jons escaping the heat trapped in my apartment so I think the tall tales of bbq, booze, and bouncing must wait. It's late.